***Please remember no water bottles in the gym! ***

Q: I need a carpool, can I make a special request?

A: No, we cannot handle the request of 500+ players. It would be mathematically impossible to keep teams fair and handle all requests. You may coach and choose another player. Twins will be on the same team.

Q: What nights do we practice and how often?

A: RPB allows up to 3 team events per week in our insurance. Many teams practice once a week. The coach gets to choose this night, location, and time. Please talk to your coach once teams are formed. Most want to be accommodating and there are 8 other players to arrange carpool with.

Q: I have not heard about our team or coach?

A: We form teams between Nov 15th – Dec 15th. You will hear about this process when we look for parent coaches, and announce tryout schedules and draft times.

Q: When do games start, and what about winter break?

A: The first game is on January 6th.

Q: When are playoffs and who plays?

A: All teams make the playoffs. Games will start March 2nd and the Championship will be on March 9th.

Q: Who gets trophies?

A: Championship Rings for first place and a trophy for second place.

Q: What are the uniforms?

A: We provide a reversible tank top jersey. Player bring their own shoes and shorts.

Q: What size balls and hoop height does the league use?

A: We use men’s standard size for 5th grade boys and up and women standard for the girls and 3rd& 4th grade boys. All hoops are 10 ft.

Q: Are there special rules?

A: Yes, see our coaches manual under documents.

Q: Where / when do you practice and hold games?

A: Practice is up to the coach. We try and provide one hour each week at hilltop outdoor park, BMMS, Dear Canyon, Canyon side, or Park Village. These time are from 5-9 pm and account for appropriate bed times. Games will be Saturday and Sunday this year, with three double headers per team. This could be back to back Sat or one Sat and one Sun.  The schedule will depend on how many players in each grade sign up.

Q: You said Tryouts, will my child not make a team?

A: These are player evaluations, everyone makes a team.

Q: Mailing Address, not sure why, but here it is!

A: RPB – PO Box #720431, San Diego CA 92129